Noise Statements & Modeling Environmental & Equipment Noise Vibration & Structure Borne Noise Room Acoustics
Heating Cooling Air Conditioning Building Automation
Compressed Air & Gas Systems Cryogenic Systems Flue Gas Systems
Product Reasearch & Development Definition of Technical Specifications Product Approval & Certification Type Approval Testing
Building Physics
Thermal Comfort
Why to choose us?
- LONG EXPERIENCE - Designing for over 50 years
- EXTENSIVE EXPERTISE - Specialist in demanding subjects
- VERSATILE SERVICES - Public and private sector
We are part of Solwers that brings together companies with cutting edge expertise, suppors their growth and
challenges the conventions of the built environment consultancy sector in Finland and Sweden.
Acoustics Design
We design room acoustics and structure borne noise
Laboratory and Field Measurements
Versatile measurements and testing services for building physics, environmental conditions, living comfort, product quality control, RnD and testing.
HVAC & automation
HVAC design for new buildings or renovation. Our FINAS accredited laboratories give us the possibility to test different solutions first in laboratorio conditions.
Energy & Life Cycle
Know precisely how energy is utilized. Our energy calculations provide you with a clear understanding of energy consumption, aiding in identifying saving opportunities and enhancing resource utilization