Zenner is known for technical know-how, reliable and thorough work, and high-quality end results.
Reliability and responsibility
- We follow agreed schedules, and always perform our work and assignments thoroughly and with precision. We make sure that any resulting plans are of a high technical quality, and that all plans, statements and reports are delivered based on our high-standard quality assurance. We deliver HVAC, plumbing and acoustics plans that can also be followed on-site.
- We focus on the visual layout and readability of the plans, so that people without a technical background can also read and evaluate them.
- We want to build customer relationships and long-term partnerships that are based on trust.
Technical know-how
- The solid technical know-how of our employees is the core of our operations. They are well-educated, motivated, and highly experienced.
- The high quality of our work performance is something we take to heart. The materials we send out to customers, for example, are always checked by another colleague in addition to the author. Quality is also assured by the owners’ training in engineering, and lengthy hands-on design experience.
- Sharing and transferring technical expertise to the next generation of engineers has always been a guiding principle.
- We perform HVAC, plumbing and acoustics design with the very highest FISE (exceptionally difficult) qualifications.
- FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service) has accredited our laboratory operations and key measurement procedures.
- Throughout 45 years of continuous, successful operations, it has not been uncommon for us to return to the design of the same building for a second or even third project. We plan new sites for the same customers, utilizing the principles, procedures and planning solutions that both parties have found suitable in previous projects.
- We seek to retain our technical know-how throughout our history. Our archives hold the calculations and notes from exceptional, one-off and challenging sites covering a period of over 10 years, and planning materials from projects that date back up to 30 years.
- As our customer, you can count on our company still being there even after a long time, with the same, familiar partners again at your disposal.
- As a second-generation family company, continuity is important to us. Our people can count on the longevity of our company, and the stability of their jobs.