Acoustical design
We are experts in the measurement and design of acoustics. The importance of acoustical design in construction projects has grown in recent years, and the best results come from including acoustics in the planning phase of any project, right from the very start.
At Zenner Engineers, we design room and building acoustics for offices, factories, schools, hospitals, and residential buildings. One of our particular areas of expertise is the acoustics design of loft apartments, which is extremely important for the comfort of both the people who live in them, and those who live underneath them.
Acoustics and noise design is becoming ever more important as continuing urbanization puts buildings closer and closer to main traffic routes. We design, calculate, and model the sound insulation of structures to ensure that indoor noise levels follow legislative guidelines. In addition, we do noise modelling and create noise charts and plans for road, rail traffic, and environmental noise control.
We also design noise control for equipment and machinery, make vibration measurements, and design vibration control.